coltan mining colombia

Why it's hard for Congo's coltan miners to abide by the law

For six months mines in eastern Congo were closed, as the authorities grappled with the new rules. Even when they reopened, big companies, such as Intel and Apple, shied away from Congo's coltan ...

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Illegal Coltan Mining Fuels Colombian Narco-Insurgents

The Colombian Ministry of Mining and Energy's Resolution 18-0102/2012, passed in 2012, listed 11 minerals as "strategic interests" for Colombia, including coltan (tantalum and niobium). More recently, in early September 2022, President Gustavo Petro called for a diversification of Colombia's mining industry. "Mining exploration and ...

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The Scale of Illegal Coltan Trafficking in Colombia …

by Juan Camilo Jaramillo 18 Aug 2021. Seizures of coltan in Colombia have shown the complex networks used by armed groups to smuggle the valuable mineral …

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Coltan: The Venezuelan Regime's Smuggling of "Blue …

coltan shipment has originated in Venezuela, rather than Colombia, given this characteristic. 2.1Coltan production According to statistics from the year 2017, Ruanda is the world's largest producer ... The entire coltan mining and distribution chain in Venezuela operates cloaked in a haze of apparent legality, but is really nothing more than ...

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Colombian Army Seizes Nearly 6 Tons of Coltan

April 30, 2021. The Colombian Army seized nearly 6 tons of black sand with coltan on the Guaviare River, Guainía department, at the border with Venezuela, on March 14, 2021. Service members attributed the shipment to a dissident group of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC, in Spanish), led by alias Gentil Duarte. Coltan is a ...

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Coltan and Coal strategic minerals without strategy

Taking this scenario into account, the UPME set the price for the settlement of royalties from the Tantalum mineral that is part of the Coltan, a fact that is incongruous because Colombia does not have regulations to carry out the Coltan mining process, however, it includes resulting royalties of its mining process. (Borda, 2020).

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COLTAN MINING S.A.S. Colombite y Tantalite

COLOMBITE AND TANTALITE, COLTAN MINING S.A.S COLOMBIAN company specialized in the commercialization of mineral COLTAN we have the most extensive work team SCIENTIST, ENGINEERS, GEOLOGISTS, DOCTORS, EXPERTS FOREIGN RELATIONS We have more than five special companies in field exploration, specialized …

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Venezuela emerges as new source of 'conflict' minerals

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    Colombia's black-market coltan tied to drug …

    WebColombia's black-market coltan tied to drug traffickers, paramilitaries. by Ignacio Gómez G. March 4, 2012. With a pick in one hand and scratching the earth with …

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  • Explotación de coltán en Colombia, una nuea v fuente …

    Bolivia y Colombia (Cru Consulting, 2018). En Colombia la competencia por el control de recursos naturales escasos y su gestión inadecuada ha generado tensiones que se pueden explicar en tres niveles: 1) su explotación, 2) los beneficios materiales y económicos que esta supone y 3) el interés por preservar el medioambiente y proteger a las

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    FARC Set to Exploit Venezuela 'Conflict Mineral'

    Because coltan mining is illegal in Venezuela, this has created a "regulatory vacuum" which has allowed armed groups to step in and control the black market trade, the ICIJ notes. One of these is likely to be the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, a group with a history of illegal mining operations and a presence in Venezuela.

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    FARC Run Tungsten Mining in South Colombia

    The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) purchase tungsten from indigenous miners and operate their own mine — known as Tiger Hill — in the Guainia department near the borders with Venezuela and Brazil, according to Bloomberg. The rebels sell the mineral on to middlemen and mineral companies, who then export it abroad.

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    Coltán, oro y pistas clandestinas: el botín con el que …

    A pesar de que esa información apunta hacia la empresa Italo Colombiana de Metales SAS, los registros de la Agencia Nacional de Minería muestran que el título …

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    Regulating the old game of smuggling? Coltan mining, …

    This article examines the smuggling of coltan into and out of artisanal mining areas in northern Katanga where the ITRI Tin Supply Chain Initiative (iTSCi), a policy on conflict minerals, tries to improve transparency in trading tin, tantalum (coltan) and tungsten.

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    Element Africa: Diamonds, oil, coltan, and more diamonds

    ANGWAN KADE, Nigeria — Residents of a community 100 kilometers (60 miles) from the Nigerian capital, Abuja, say illegal mining for coltan is destroying their farms and polluting the environment ...

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    Brazil increases coltan mining, boosted by Chinese investment

    There are also coltan deposits, on a much smaller scale, on the border between Venezuela and Colombia, where armed groups operate and illegal mining has spread. Coltan, also known as "blue gold" or "mud oil", is a rock containing two strategic minerals, columbite (which contains the element niobium or columbium) and tantalite (its element is ...

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    Coltan Definition & Meaning

    coltan: [noun] a dull black ore that consists of a mixture of columbite and tantalite and is a minor source of tantalum.

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    Illegal mining in Colombia's Amazon threatens Indigenous …

    In June 2021, Indigenous communities observed boats carrying out illegal gold mining in the Caquetá River in the Colombian Amazon. Satellite images showed as many as 19 boats that month on the ...

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    What coltan mining in the DRC costs people and the …

    Coltan mining has destroyed much of the gorillas' natural habitat, leaving them vulnerable to poachers. The population of eastern lowland gorillas in the park plummeted from 8,000 in 1991, ...

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    Scheme to stop 'conflict minerals' fails to end child labor in …

    The DRC and Rwanda are the world's largest exporters of coltan, tin and tungsten, the mining of which is carried out by thousands of artisanal miners. Image courtesy of Global Witness.

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    Illegal Mining in Venezuela: Death and Devastation in the

    The area contains bauxite (used for aluminum production), coltan (used in the production of many electronic devices), industrial diamonds, and, most importantly, gold. ... with the ELN reportedly earning at least 60 percent of its revenue from mining activities in Colombia and Venezuela and the FARC earning up to 50 percent of its revenue from ...

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    The Coltan in Your Smartphone is Financing …

    The 1.5 tonne shipment of coltan seized in mid-August in Colombia's southern Guainía province comes from illegal mines across the border in Venezuela. …

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    Coltan: The Venezuelan Regime's Smuggling of …

    However, according to a report on the Inazonia website,7 in addition to the Venezuelan government's "capital investment" for exploiting the coltan-rich territories, the coltan …

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    Colombia vows to clean up coltan mining

    After an International Consortium of Investigative Journalists expose about paramilitaries involvement in the coltan trade, Colombia is moving to curb illegal mining of the highly sought after mineral. Juan Manuel Santos, the president of Colombia, travelled to the lawless southeastern corner of the country last weekend and declared his intention to …

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    Colombia vows to clean up coltan mining

    Experts think a provision of the 2010 Dodd-Frank bill could label Colombian coltan a "conflict mineral" because of the paramilitaries involvement in the industry. …

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    Global Supply Chains of Coltan

    While coltan mining was neither a necessary nor sufficient cause for the civil war, there is nevertheless a clear association between mining and conflict. In order to trace global flows of coltan out of the DRC, we used a high-resolution multiregion input-output (MRIO) table and a hybrid life cycle assessment (LCA) approach to trace exports ...

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    Exploring Illegal Mining in Colombia's Amazon

    Exploring Illegal Mining in Colombia's Amazon. As gold prices have skyrocketed, criminal groups once solely dedicated to the trafficking of drugs and arms have moved into illegal mining. The activity has become one of the most lucrative criminal economies in Colombia. While just under 30 grams of gold raked in over $2,000 in …

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    The Coltan in Your Smartphone is Financing Colombian …

    A recent seizure highlights how "corrupt Colombian government officials have helped to launder Venezuelan coltan into licit supply chains in Colombia," said one expert.

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    How does coltan mining affect gorillas? – Sheppard-arts

    Five things you need to know about coltan In Venezuela and most of Colombia coltan mining is illegal, yet small-scale miners and buyers are plentiful. Why is it controversial to mine coltan? In the early 21st century coltan mining was associated with human rights violations such as child labour, systematic exploitation of the population by ...

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    Colombia Captures 'Coltan Czar' Linked to FARC

    Colombia Captures 'Coltan Czar' Linked to FARC. Authorities in Colombia have captured a key operative who facilitated the sale of coltan and uranium for the FARC and ELN guerrilla groups, in a case highlighting the role corrupt officials play in the lucrative illegal mining industry. In a joint operation carried out by the Colombian Navy ...

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    Colombia's black-market coltan tied to drug traffickers, …

    Black-market coltan in the wilds of southeast Colombia has also captured the attention of U.S. law enforcement officials because of a connection to one of the world's most powerful drug cartels. Near Puinawai National Park, police said, an illicit operation mining coltan and other precious metals is run by members of the Cifuentes Villa family.

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